Black Friday Favorites

Happy Thanksgiving from these turkeys! We are extra thankful this year as we welcomed baby Sutton Kate into our family last week! We could not be happier celebrating our first holiday as a family of FOUR! We planned a low key Thanksgiving this year. With a one week old, we decided to spend the day at home. While we missed my family immensely, we didn't want to gather in a large group as to avoid any illness going around (we got sick last year and wanted to be extra careful this year!) We ordered a Thanksgiving meal from a local restaurant down the road and watched a few Christmas movies. Today, we are shopping for the Florida house. Tomorrow, we will be enjoying a day full of football! 

In Our Home

These are all things we own and love in our home! Many of which we actually bought again for the Florida house.


Here's my shopping list this year! Lots of preppy dresses for Florida and lounge wear for newborn snuggling!


Lots of great furniture deals this years! We have most of the major furniture pieces for Florida on order!


Some of my favorites! Order digital downloads, the print only, or get it framed and ready to hang! 


I'm loving these pieces! 


A few great sale items for under the tree!

​Happy shopping! And don't forget to check out our full gift guides!



FL Bedroom Update!


2023 Gift Guides